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Arakar Idai Nature Fertilizer

Characteristics of Arakar Idai Nature Fertilizer Arakar Ida Nature fertilizer is a natural composition obtained from organic raw materials based

Fertilizer produced by Ida

Fertilizer produced by Ida Nature Ida Nature Fertilizer is a natural biological stimulus for plant physiological processes. Also, this combination

NPK fertilizer 13-2-43

Weight : 25 kg Rotek : brand Element potassium, phosphorus Powdered fertilizer mode Type of chemical fertilizer The producing country

Phosphorous fertilizer

Characteristics of Phos fertilizer Nature’s Phos.Sep Fertilizer is a phosphorus solution without phosphonates that increases leaf absorption through the cuticle

Silipat Idai Nature Fertilizer

Characteristics of Silipat Ida Nature fertilizer Silipatida Nature’s fertilizer is a product rich in silicon and potassium with a special